Art Deco buff-top sapphire and diamond bracelet by Mauboussin, Paris,
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
Plus d'œuvres d'art de la Galerie
19th century graduated amethyst and gold long necklace, c.1870, converting to shorter necklace and two bracelets,
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Single stone pearl and diamond ring
Antique emerald and diamond ovoid cluster clasp
Antique gold double hinged locket on long gold chain, the large carved double hinged oval locket opening on one side to reveal a portrait of a smartly dressed gentleman
Art Deco mauve tourmaline and diamond dress ring, c.1925, the cut-corner rectangular tourmaline of step cut, the pinkish-brownish purple described as 'old mauve', approximately 7.75ct,
Pair of George IV silver gilt grape scissors by John Reily, London 1823