An important English japanned leather eight folders screen
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An important English japanned leather eight folders screen


Date First quarter XVIII C.

Period 1600-1750, 18th century

Origin England

Medium Gilt, Lacca, Polychrome-painted, Leather, Japanned

Dimension 285 x 424 cm (112¹/₄ x 166⁷/₈ inches)

Date: First quarter XVIII C.

Period: 1600-1750, 18th century

Origin: England

Medium: Gilt, Lacca, Polychrome-painted, Leather, Japanned

Dimension: 285 x 424 cm (112¹/₄ x 166⁷/₈ inches)

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Decorative Arts, from Antiquities to XIX Century, focusing in particular on Fine Furniture, Sculpture, Textiles, Glass, Ceramics and Bronzes.

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